Congestion management: German experiences and lessons for the Netherlands
Congestion management: German experiences and lessons for the Netherlands
Grid congestions are a huge challenge for the energy transition. Grid expansion is the main solution, but it will take many years before structural congestions will be solved. Both, the Netherlands and Germany are facing similar problems and there seems to be a room for improvements in congestion management. In order to learn from recent German developments
E-Bridge & TrinSights plan a workshop tailored for Dutch network operators, market participants and policy makers on Friday April 12, 2024 in Utrecht.
In this workshop, practical experiences with congestion management in Germany are linked to Dutch challenges. For example, the following topics will be addressed:
- Experiences in the staged German implementations of congestion management (“Redispatch 2.0”) including cooperation between system operators, information exchange and IT-requirements
- Ongoing developments to deal with problems at low-voltage grids in the context of integration of EVs and heat-pumps
- Insights from non-marked based financial compensation processes and ongoing discussions in Germany.
This unique workshop provides real insights. The aim is to learn from the German lessons and discuss ideas for an improved application of congestion management in the Netherlands. There is room for interactive sessions because the number of participants is kept limited.
The workshop is provided by Gerald Blumberg (principal consultant E-Bridge) and Paul Giesbertz (director TrinSights). Both have many years of experience with the problem of grid congestion.
E-Bridge has supported various network operators in Germany with the implementation of congestion management.
Additional information:
The Workshop will be held entirely in English. The costs are €350 (excl. VAT) including lunch and refreshments.
Please note: There is a maximum number of participants. In case all places are booked, an additional workshop will be scheduled for a later date.
The registration form as well as information about Paul Giesbertz and Gerald Blumberg can be found below
10:00 – 10:30
Reception & Coffee
10:30 – 11:00
Welcome and introduction
- Paul Giesbertz, TrinSights
11:00 – 12:30
Congestion management in Germany
Overview, lessons learned from Redispatch 2.0 and outlook
- Gerald Blumberg, E-Bridge
12:30 – 13:30
Break | Refreshments & Lunch
13:30 – 14:00
Lessons for the Netherlands
- Paul Giesbertz, TrinSights
14:00 – 14:45
Exchange of views & conclusion
14:45 – 15:30
Get-Together & Drinks
To confirm your registration, please register using the following contact form. You will then receive confirmation and an invitation to the event.

Gerald Blumberg
Gerald Blumberg is the head of the Energy Markets Competence Group at E-Bridge. He works on several projects with grid operators, public institutions, and other market parties on the further development of market design in the area of congestion management and system services. For example, studies on Redispatch 3.0 or a procurement concept for reactive power are mentioned here. Since beginning of 2021, he supports more than 60 DSOs in Germany with the implementation of “Redispatch 2.0” which includes system-operator coordination mechanisms, DSO forecast processes and the automated integration of more than 200,000 assets into congestion management projects.

Paul Giesbertz
TrinSights is the consultancy from Paul Giesbertz. He has 36 years of experience in the power industry. He was the main author of the first Grid Code in the Netherlands and was strongly involved in the LAN (Landelijke Actieplan Netcongestie) on behalf of Energie-Nederland. From 2012 to 2018 he was responsible for regulatory affairs for Statkraft Markets in Germany and was member of the BDEW Working Group Redispatch.